Financial Independence Survey2024-02-02T11:22:15-05:00

How financially independent are business owners?
Participate on our business owner survey to help us find out.

Participate in Vistage member Cannon Carr’s research efforts to explore business owners’ financial freedom from their business.

As an active Vistage member, I’ve engaged with my coach and peers on provocative questions about personal financial independence from the businesses we own and operate.   The topic has created such robust discussion in my own cohort that I have formalized a survey for Vistage CEOs to determine “Business Owners’ Level of Financial Independence.” Your input is crucial in providing insights for entrepreneurs, as I aspire to publish the findings in a white paper and in other media with the end goal of financially empowering fellow business owners.

Together, let’s build a community of business owners who empower each other to sustain financial freedom. I appreciate your participation in the survey and look forward to sharing the invaluable knowledge and strategies that will be featured in future publications.

Thank you for being a part of this important endeavor.

Best Regards,

Cannon Carr
CEO & Owner, CornerCap

Your current level of financial independence survey.

Your responses are completely anonymous and no identifying information is being captured or collected.

I plan to transition as CEO of my business in:
I can articulate my exit strategy for the business
I have sufficient personal liquidity to provide financial cushion during disruptions to my business or my personal life.
When is financial advice most helpful and best timed for you?
Who is currently your best source of personal planning advice?

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